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Green Field Flat Trail - West Central Mountains

Camp at the Squaw Creek Trail Head;  Ride west on NF-625 and travel  to the junction with NF-646. Turn right onto NF-646 and about 1.8 miles to the first switchback and NF-646C. Turn left onto NF-646C and travel 0.5 miles to the end of NF-646C at its junction with NF-646D and an unnamed road. The trail is the unnamed road that is covered with sharp rocks, and turns steeply uphill.  NF-646 is not suitable for horse trailers.

Details:  Saturday  08:00 - 18:00

Area: Boise National Forest
Region: West Central Mountains, Idaho
Trail Head: North end of trail off FR-646C
Project Type: 
Horse Camping - General Trail Maintenance
Ride Difficulty Rating
2 - Moderately Technicial
Work Difficulty Rating
3 - Down Tree removal & Brushing, minor tread work.
Squaw  Creek Tail Head
GPS: 44.47569,-116.21475
Attractions and Considerations This trail is open for non-motorized uses only. Over-snow vehicles may use the trail from Dec 1-May 15. The Greenfield Flat trail is an old road that begins at the end of National Forest Road 646C (NF-646C). The trail climbs gradually then increases in steepness as it passes through a mature pine forest and comes out onto a wide flat ridge top, where there is a 360-degree view. The trail travels through grasses and small aspens along this ridge, while to both sides of the trail, dense forest and low brush exist. This ridge also serves as a cattle driveway. After crossing the ridge, the trail turns sharply and drops down onto the flats, which are an expansive, gently sloping grassland dotted with an occasional clump of subalpine fir and spruce. Once on the flats, the trail turns east again and climbs up through the flats to a wide saddle where it ends at its junction with the Wilson Creek Trail. This junction is not signed. The Wilson Creek Trail provides access to the Poison Creek Trail and the West Mountain Trail. SIGN UP:   Squaw Butte Event Registration System
Pictures Project Leader:  Rob Adams  208-781-0548